01.10.2020 TKM
TKM Meyer receives ERASMUS + Education Partner Label
The Kultur Life mbH, a non-profit society for cultural exchange, handed over the training partner label ERASMUS+ to us this week. We are very pleased about this and are happy to support this EU program for the promotion of general and vocational education, youth and sports in Europe.
Its budget of 14.7 billion euros for the period 2013 - 2020 will enable millions of Europeans to study abroad, receive further training, gain professional experience, do voluntary work or exchange professional experiences with European partners. In Germany, for example, up to 150,000 trainees in the field of vocational training alone are to be supported over the entire course of the program, including, of course, again trainees from TKM Meyer.
(Source: https://www.na-bibb.de/erasmus-berufsbildung/erasmus-ausbildungspartner/)