Knives and Cutting Tools for the Postpress Industry

Rotary trimmer knives

We produce TKM Rotary trimmer knives for all commercial machine types: 

✔ Chivemme ✔ RIMA
✔ Gämmerler ✔ Müller Martini
✔ Inlog ✔ WRH
✔ Recmi and others

In addition to standard applications, TKM develops solutions that are specifically tailored to customer-specific use.


Comparison of service life (knife quality vs. lifetimes)

Quality TKM Quality Service lifetime
Standard Durapid 1
12 % Chrome steel Chromalit 1,5 - 2
18 % W.HSS Steel
(High speed steel)
Duritan > 3
Powder Steel Duratec 4 - 6
Carbide Standard   > 10
Carbide Fine Grain   > 15
Carbide Fine Grain Incomet Supreme > 30
Carbide Ultra Fine Grain Ultra Cut > 60



Advantages & Features

  • Steplessly adjustable, screwed carbide single blades
  • Unlimited use of the milling body (no need for spare parts)
  • Tight tolerances in runout (< 0.01 mm)
  • Low friction coefficient through non-stick coating
  • Reduction of ink and glue deposits
  • Long lifetimes when cutting shingle streams up to 15mm in thickness
  • Available for all commercial rotary trimmers


Your direct line

You can reach us by telephone at+49 2191 969 327 and by e-mail at:

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